Saturday, August 18, 2018


The 36-year-old Ben Roethlisberger isn’t retiring. In fact, if you ask one of his coaches, he’s looking better than ever.
Steelers offensive coordinator Randy Fichtner, who has been on Pittsburgh’s staff since 2007, sees a quarterback who is feeling better physically than he has in recent years and is having the best camp of his career.
You can tell that Roethlisberger is feeling good just by the way he around the field. When Roethlisbeger is walking around the locker room he’s not iced down from his head to his toes.
The only reason players are saying this is because Roethlisberger is in the best shape since the Steelers had him. Now, obviously when you’re younger you know you can probably move a little better, maybe Roethlisberger’s arm might have been a tad livelier.
After talking openly about retirement at various points, Roethlisberger reportedly wants to play a while longer. His body has aged, but he also seems to be staying healthier than he has in the past, which could bode well for Pittsburgh’s title aspirations.

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