Tuesday, March 12, 2019


On the heels of a newsworthy Fastlane pay-per-view, WWE Raw rolled into Pittsburgh for the most significant episode of this Road to WrestleMania 35 to date.
Batista confronted Triple H after a vicious assault of Ric Flair two weeks ago, laying the groundwork for a WrestleMania match between the two former Evolution teammates.
Finn Balor defended his Intercontinental Championship against Bobby Lashley, attempting to put his rivalry with The All Mighty behind him.
Add in appearances from The Shield's Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, as well as the latest in the Raw Women's Championship picture, and you have a show that set the tone for the rest of WrestleMania season.
Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose kicked off Monday's show, just 24 hours after defeating Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre at Fastlane.
Reigns wasted little time saying that if last night was the end of The Shield, he has no regrets.
Reigns hyped up Rollins ahead of his WrestleMania showdown with Brock Lesnar as the WWE Universe chanted "Slay the Beast!"
A shortened farewell to The Hounds of Justice concluded with Reigns turning the microphone over to Rollins before the three engaged in one last Shield fist bump.
Rollins watched as his mates exited the squared circle and then fixated his gaze on the WrestleMania sign.
Before he could really say anything of note, Paul Heyman interrupted the proceedings. Heyman went through the normal introduction before Rollins rightly pointed out the struggles Lesnar has had with wrestlers smaller than him, referencing Daniel Bryan, Finn Balor and AJ Styles.
Heyman threw to a video package that demonstrated the sheer dominance of Lesnar and said that since Rollins won the Royal Rumble, Lesnar has thought about the things he will inflict on Rollins at WrestleMania.
Almost as if it were on cue, Shelton Benjamin hit the ring and attacked Rollins as the show headed to break.
Grade: C: Analysis
Not only was The Shield's farewell lacking, but the promo that followed it from both Rollins and Heyman also did nothing to really create excitement or buzz for the Universal Championship match.
Yes, the crowd was at full throat in its support of Rollins, but the promo, as scripted, did not build on it, and the result was a so-so start to a show that needed to be much hotter in order to capitalize on the momentum the company had after a solid Fastlane pay-per-view.
After Benjamin attacked him from behind, Rollins squared off with the multi-time intercontinental and tag team champion in an impromptu addition to the show.
The Architect found himself grounded and on the receiving end of a side headlock coming out of the commercial break. From there, he was thrown back-first into the guardrail. A powerbomb attempt was reversed as the 2019 Royal Rumble winner sent his opponent face-first into the turnbuckle pad.
On commentary, Heyman announced Brock Lesnar would be on Raw live next week as Rollins mounted a comeback.
Rollins overcame a release German suplex from Benjamin to deliver the Stomp and score the victory.
Result: Rollins defeated Benjamin 
Grade: C+
Analysis: Considering the talent involved, you would have expected a better match than the one we got. Instead, it was really just a showcase to prove Rollins could overcome the odds and score the win.
It was nice to see The Architect back in singles action after missing time because of a back injury, and it was equally as enjoyable watching the criminally underused Benjamin ply his craft in a relatively high-profile setting.
Nothing was really accomplished or gained here, but Rollins was front and center on the road to the most significant match of his career, so that is good enough for now.
Bobby Lashley did not hesitate in his attempt to regain the Intercontinental Championship from Finn Balor Monday night, taking the fight to his smaller opponent and using his power-based offense to keep him reeling heading into the commercial break.
He continued to wear down Balor, working a side headlock. He attempted a powerbomb, but Balor fought out and sent him to the floor. Lashley, though, recovered and delivered a side suplex on the apron. Back in, and Lashley again worked a rest hold, looking to sap whatever energy Balor had out of him.
The champion fought out and delivered a basement dropkick to create some separation. A series of forearms continued the comeback, and a corner dropkick grounded the challenger. Balor scaled the ropes for the Coup de Grace, but Lio Rush appeared and rang the ring bell.
The distraction proved costly, as Balor launched himself off the ropes and right into a spear from Lashley, who scored the win and his second reign with the title.
Result: Lashley defeated Balor to win the title
Grade: C
Analysis: So what was the point of Balor winning the title in the first place?
He only did so by pinning Rush, ate a beatdown last week that curbed his momentum and then was dominated throughout the majority of Monday's match before losing the gold. It was a lackluster reign that felt more like an excuse to tell an uninteresting story between Lashley and Rush than reward Balor for his status as one of the workhorses of the Raw brand this last year.
Worst of all, it accomplished nothing. We are right back where we were two months ago, with Lashley holding gold and Balor poised to tread water heading into the biggest show of the year.
Some will suggest the finish sets Balor back on the hunt for the title, but we've been there, done that. Many times. At some point, he has to be built into a credible champion. He has not been, for whatever reason.
Raw women's champion Ronda Rousey did not hold back as she attacked the WWE Universe in an impassioned promo Monday night.
She told the fans to take their applause and shove it before saying Becky Lynch is the hero the fans deserve because she is a coward. She gave officials permission to make the Triple Threat match at WrestleMania a handicap match and she would be embarrassed if she even broke a sweat.
Dana Brooke interrupted and expressed her frustration with Rousey's criticisms of WWE and her lack of opportunity. She accepted a nonexistent open challenge and proceeded to get rag-dolled around the squared circle and to the floor by Rousey.
Referees ended the beating, forcing the champion to the back while they checked on Brooke.
Grade: B+
Analysis: As a brief look at Rousey's new attitude as she approaches WrestleMania, this was fantastic.
She cut a brief, focused promo that made sense given her frustrations with the fans and her upcoming challengers. Then she unleashed that frustration on Brooke, who took a beating in exchange for the exposure she desperately craved.
It worked and was reflected in the crowd's response toward Rousey.
WWE Creative will have to tread carefully, though, because a no-nonsense ass-kicker is exactly the type of character that gets over today. Given the fact that it is positioning her as a heel heading into WrestleMania, the last thing WWE wants is to inadvertently get her over as the opposite.
At Fastlane, The Revival successfully retained its Raw Tag Team Championships in a hotly contested Triple Threat match. Monday night, the two teams Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson defeated jockeyed for position in title contention, as Aleister Black and Ricochet battled Chad Gable and Bobby Roode.
The former champions started hot, grounding Black and working him over in the center of the ring, keeping him just far enough from his partner to prevent a tag.
The One and Only finally tagged in and did not hesitate to utilize his speed and agility to frustrate the opposition. A great double-team, though, saw Gable catch Ricochet in a waist lock while Roode delivered a blockbuster into a German suplex.
A series of near-falls were exchanged before Ricochet tagged Black into the match, unbeknownst to their opponents. After Ricochet cleared Gable out of the squared circle, Roode turned into Black Mass as the NXT exports scored a quality victory.
As Black and Ricochet made their way up the ramp, Wilder and Dawson attacked from behind, leaving their top contenders lying.
Result: Black and Ricochet defeated Roode and Gable
Grade: B
Analysis: This was a fun sprint of a match that really makes the idea of a longer bout that much more appealing.
The talent involved is off the charts, and the fact that they packed what they did into such a short window makes one think that a few more minutes would have resulted in one of the better television matches of the year.
As it is, it was a nice showcase of two-thirds of the tag division's foundation that saw one team go over to set up a championship match.
That Roode and Gable came to the aid of their opponents when The Revival sneakily attacked only suggests the three-way rivalry may not be over. Based on the in-ring content delivered by them to this point, that is not at all a bad thing.
Alexa Bliss hosted her "Moment of Bliss" talk show Monday night with a major announcement regarding the special guest host for WrestleMania 35.
She ran down the personalities to have hosted the extravaganza in the past. She rifled off Kim Kardashian, The Rock and New Day before throwing to a video with the revelation that...she will be hosting The Showcase of the Immortals.
Bliss feigned humility before calling herself the grandest Superstar of all.   
Grade: C+
Analysis: A short, sweet revelation that gives one of the premier female Superstars something to do at WrestleMania without rushing her into a program or forcing her into a meaningless Battle Royal.
Bliss is a great heel personality whose strength has always been on the microphone. Letting her fill that role, engage in some back-and-forth vignettes and maybe a major angle at WrestleMania, is the best way to utilize her talents if there is not a program ready-made for her.
Elias was in the center of the ring, ready to greet his hometown of Pittsburgh with another of his serenades, as Raw returned from break.
The Drifter cracked on the city, saying everyone from Pittsburgh is an enormous waste of life. He then made the obligatory Antonio Brown joke, saying he personally advised the all-world wide receiver to get out of town while he could.
No Way Jose made the mistake of interrupting and paid for it, enduring a wicked beating at the hands of the sinister songster.
Elias left the fun-loving NXT export lying on the ramp to end the segment.
Grade: C
Analysis: This is totally going to end with Jose stealing a win over Elias next week, isn't it? Either way, this was a waste of a segment that keeps Elias treading water while further devaluing Jose even further than he already was.
Before the match between Natalya and Nia Jax could really get started, Tamina attempted to interfere.
This drew Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix to the ring. She attacked Jax and drew the disqualification, further suggesting that a match between the teams may occur sooner than later.
The babyfaces stood tall while Jax and Tamina retreated.
Result: Jax defeated Natalya via disqualification
Grade: C
Analysis: It looked like Pin-Up Strong would be returning to compete for the Women's Tag Team Championships after last night's Fastlane, and this angle suggests it is a very real possibility.
That Sasha Banks and Bayley attacked Jax and Tamina backstage after the angle played out hints at a multi-team match for the titles. While it feels like an attempt to squeeze as many stars as possible on the show, it should make for a damn fine match featuring an unstoppable team, one of the best tandems of a bygone generation of female Superstars and the measuring stick of today's women's tag division.
A week ago, Triple H demanded Batista confront him like a man. Monday night, The Animal returned to Raw, flanked by his own security team. He refused, though, to join the COO of WWE in the ring.
Triple H tried to goad Batista into heading to the squared circle, poking fun at his nose ring and vowing to tear through every one of the "Guardians of the Independent Scene" if it meant getting his hands on The Animal.
Batista admitted he quit WWE to get far away from The Game and promised to hurt everyone close to Triple H if he did not give him what he wants: one last match, one last chance to retire his mentor.
A back-and-forth ensued before Triple H accepted and added one stipulation: the match will be No Holds Barred at WrestleMania 35.
The iconic performers stared each other down to end the segment.
Grade: B+
Analysis: Batista as the cunning student, calling out his teacher's greatest hits and countering them was a nice touch. After all, a huge part of his babyface turn in 2005 was predicated on him being smarter than he was credited for by both The Game and Ric Flair.
The promo was everything it needed to be, with a hilarious line from Triple H and some great intensity from both men. The WrestleMania match will carry a necessary gimmick to hide the Superstars' weaknesses at this point, and with three weeks to go, the potential for a red-hot match between two of the all-time greats is very high.
Though, it is still interesting that Triple H enters this year's WrestleMania as a babyface despite being a heel literally everywhere else on the show.
1996 Olympic gold medalist and 2017 WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle returned home to Pittsburgh on Monday, drawing a hero's welcome as he prepared to address his future.
Angle ran down his accomplishments and storied career before revealing that WrestleMania 35 will be the site of his farewell match.
With only one more go-round in the town he has called home his entire life, he said it was only appropriate he has one more match in Pittsburgh. Apollo Crews hit the ring for said bout.
Crews controlled the match early, grounding Angle. The hometown hero, though, fought out and delivered his trademark German suplexes. Crews would answer with an enzuigiri and scale the ropes for a frog splash, a la one of Angle's greatest opponents, Eddie Guerrero.
Angle moved out of the way and finished Crews seconds later with the Angle Slam.
Result: Angle defeated Crews
Grade: B
Analysis: Angle needs to wave goodbye to the in-ring portion of his career. He is a Hall of Famer and one of the greatest ever to lace a pair of boots, but he can no longer hang with this generation of stars.
Pittsburgh was the perfect place to make the announcement, though one has to wonder why WWE Creative could not have come up with a more suitable opponent than Crews.
No offense to the talented young star, but he has been a non-factor since the last attempt to push him died out. Why waste Angle's last match in his hometown against a guy no one has a real connection with?
Before Roman Reigns could battle Baron Corbin in Monday's main event, Drew McIntyre came from out of nowhere to attack The Big Dog.
He pummeled Reigns and delivered a nasty Claymore Kick that sent the former universal champion to the floor. A second Claymore sent Reigns' head bouncing off the ring post.
Producers, officials and medics made their way to ringside to check on Reigns while McIntyre exited to a chorus of boos. Seth Rollins came to his friend's aid and helped him to the back to applause from the fans.
Grade: C
Analysis: And with that, we have the first indication of Reigns' WrestleMania match.
McIntyre is a much better option for someone of Reigns' stature than Corbin would have been, but at the same time, it still feels like a disappointing option for the biggest star on the roster.
Still, this was a step in the right direction in terms of heating up The Scottish Psychopath ahead of 'Mania and giving him and Reigns a reason to face each other on wrestling's grandest stage.
Even if the outcome of that potential match feels like a foregone conclusion.
On the heels of McIntyre's assault of Reigns, Dean Ambrose demanded a No Holds Barred match with the Scot and was granted one by Triple H.
It is a decision he regretted.
The Lunatic Fringe and his devious opponent brawled around the arena, fighting into the stands, into the concession stand and back down to the stage following a commercial break. At the Raw commentary position, Ambrose attempted to put McIntyre down with a side suplex on the announce table, but it failed to break.
McIntyre slowed Ambrose's momentum with a low blow and then raked at his opponent's eyes with a pencil. McIntyre recovered and sent Ambrose face-first into the LED stage. From there, he trapped him in a piece of railing and delivered the Claymore Kick for the pinfall victory.
Result: McIntyre defeated Ambrose
Grade: B+
Analysis: If the attack on Reigns began the heating up process for McIntyre, this intensified it.
Ambrose has an ability to generate sympathy through his selling of an opponent's offense, and he did a fantastic job here of really putting over McIntyre's unflinching brutality.
McIntyre looked like a beast, and while he still does not have the makings of a Superstar destined to beat Reigns at WrestleMania, a few more weeks of presenting him in this fashion will have him riding a wave of momentum unlike any he has experienced to this point in his main roster run.
Perhaps the most interesting question: Where was the help for Ambrose after he stood up to Triple H in support of Reigns?

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