Monday, February 18, 2019


– The 2019 WWE Elimination Chamber Kickoff pre-show opens live from the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas as we see fans filing into the arena. Jonathan Coachman welcomes us. He’s joined by Sam Roberts, WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T, who receives a hometown pop. We see the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles on display behind the panel. Coach reveals that Phoenix will be a guest commentator for tonight’s Chamber match for the women’s division.
The panel goes over tonight’s card. Coach leads us to a video recorded earlier today by Mustafa Ali. Ali says he’s not cleared to compete tonight but what hurts more than the injuries is watching someone else get your spot. Ali says he will be rooting for Kofi Kingston tonight but he’s coming back for what is his. The panel talks about WWE Champion Daniel Bryan defending his title in the Chamber tonight. Coach goes over the rules for the men’s Chamber match. We see Bryan pacing backstage in his locker room as Rowan stands by. Coach leads us to a video to hype tonight’s No DQ match between Braun Strowman and Baron Corbin, which includes comments recorded earlier by Strowman. Strowman says when The Monster faces The Coward tonight; there are no rules and that means that The Monster will continue his path of destruction while The Coward gets these hands. We go back to the panel and see the Chamber structure hanging high above the ring. Coach shows us footage from Tuesday’s SmackDown where The Usos were guests on McMizTV with SmackDown Tag Team Champions the Miz and Shane McMahon. The Usos laid the champions out with superkicks. The Bar, Cesaro and Sheamus, have interrupted the panel now. Sheamus takes a shot at Shane and Miz, saying their team just doesn’t work. Sam asks about their win over The Bar and Cesaro calls it a fluke. They also downplay the loss to Strowman and 10 year old Nicholas at WrestleMania 34. Heavy Machinery, Tucker and Otis, interrupt The Bar on the panel now. This leads to words between The Bar and Heavy Machinery before Coach Thanks them for stopping by.
Coach leads us to video from Monday’s RAW where Vince McMahon “suspended” Becky Lynch, pulling her from the WrestleMania 35 match against RAW Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey and replacing her with Charlotte Flair. We also see footage of Becky interrupting Flair vs. SmackDown Women’s Champion Asuka at last night’s live event in Louisiana, which saw Becky “re-injure” her left knee after the attack on Flair backfired. We go backstage to The Riott Squad, who are ready to walk out of the arena with titles for all three members tonight. Ruby Riott says the Road to WrestleMania will take a diabolical detour when she takes Rousey’s title. Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan hype up their Chamber match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles when Flair interrupts. Flair wants them to take their anger and aggression out on Rousey tonight. Flair tells Riott to change the game and come face her at WrestleMania. Flair says she will be sitting at ringside watching the match tonight. Flair wishes Riott good luck and does a “Wooo!” as she walks off. We go back to the panel. Booker, Phoenix and Roberts all agree that Riott will bring it but Rousey will retain her title.
Coach brings up tonight’s Handicap Match for the WWE Intercontinental Title next. Roberts says Finn Balor won’t win the title tonight unless he brings The Demon out. Booker believes Bobby Lashley will retain. We cut to a backstage segment with Mojo Rawley talking to himself in the mirror again, about how the WWE Universe doesn’t care about him or even know him. Mojo asks who the hell are they because they don’t even matter. Mojo says it’s time to show the real “you” to them. We cut to a video recorded earlier today by Alexa Bliss. She talks about how the women’s division has been on fire, making history, ever since she debuted. She also brings up Becky Lynch, saying Becky would still be talking about headlining WrestleMania if she would’ve taken the advice from Bliss. Bliss goes on and picks Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles later tonight. We go back to the panel for more discussion on tonight’s Chamber match for the women’s division. Coach sends us to ringside for tonight’s first match.
We go to the ring for the first of six title matches on tonight’s card. Vic Joseph is joined by Nigel McGuinness and Aiden English. Out first comes the challenger, Akira Tozawa. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Buddy Murphy is out next.
The bell rings and they trade holds. Murphy looks to take control first but they trade holds in the middle of the ring. Tozawa with strikes but Murphy just takes them. They go to the floor and Murphy tries for a chop but Tozawa ducks and the champion nails the ring post instead. They bring it back in the ring and Murphy decks Tozawa. Murphy is still selling the hand injury. Murphy goes back out and Tozawa runs the ropes for a suicide dive. Murphy catches Tozawa mid-move on the floor, dropping him on his head with a suplex. Murphy brings it back into the ring and keeps control. Tozawa with more strikes but Murphy continues to take them. Murphy drops Tozawa.
We cut backstage to Kayla Braxton trying to get a word from Kofi Kingston outside of The New Day’s locker room. Big E and Xavier Woods come out and say Kofi is in the middle of receiving a fine massage from Mrs. Butterworth right now. Big E and Woods talk Kofi up as Murphy dominates Tozawa in the ring. Murphy with a close 2 count. Murphy keeps Tozawa grounded again as fans look to rally for him. Murphy with an abdominal stretch now. Woods goes on about how Kofi will become the WWE Champion tonight. Tozawa counters a stretch and tosses Murphy out of the ring to the floor. Murphy runs back in but Tozawa drops him with a superkick.
Tozawa with more offense now. Tozawa with a missile dropkick from the top and double knees in the corner. Tozawa misses a shot but Murphy misses the counter. Tozawa with a backdrop driver. Tozawa with a Shining Wizard for a close 2 count. Tozawa goes to the top while Murphy is laid out down below. Tozawa is forced to roll through as Murphy gets up. More back and forth now. Tozawa climbs up but Murphy headbutts him to the mat. Tozawa runs right back up but Murphy looks to counter in mid-air. Tozawa turns that into a huge super hurricanrana in mid-air for a close 2 count. They tangle again. Murphy counters and drops Tozawa onto his knee, then delivers another knee to the face. Murphy keeps control but Tozawa kicks out at 2 again. Murphy talks trash and kicks Tozawa around now. Tozawa comes back with chops fighting to his feet now. Tozawa rocks Murphy and goes for a German suplex but Murphy resists. Tozawa with a huge clothesline and then a German for a close 2 count.
Tozawa tries to rally the crowd again. Tozawa drags Murphy to the corner and goes to climb up but Murphy grabs his leg. Tozawa kicks him away. Murphy runs into a superkick. Tozawa with a big inverted hurricanrana from the corner. Murphy goes to the floor and Tozawa runs the ropes for a big suicide dive, then another dive. Tozawa brings it back into the ring as a “this is awesome!” chant starts up. Tozawa goes to the top and kicks Murphy away. Tozawa with the big senton to the back while Murphy is draping over the middle rope. Murphy still kicks out at 2 somehow. Tozawa slaps Murphy while Murphy is trying to get up from his knees. Tozawa runs into a big jumping knee. Murphy drops Tozawa for another close 2 count. Tozawa comes back with the Octopus submission. Murphy fights out and hits Murphy’s Law for the pin to retain.
– After the match, the music hits as Murphy celebrates and we go to replays.
– We get a pre-recorded video from Kevin Owens, who says he will be watching Elimination Chamber tonight. Owens says he’s still about a month away from returning. He’s looking forward to seeing Finn Balor win the WWE Intercontinental Title and seeing The Riott Squad win titles in their matches. Owens tells everyone to enjoy tonight’s pay-per-view. Back from a promo and Charly Caruso is on the stage. She introduces WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry, who comes out to a big pop from the home state crowd. Caruso asks about the Chamber. Henry says he’s glad to be back in Texas. He asks the crowd to give it up again for Buddy Murphy. Henry mentions how tough the Chamber is and Caruso asks him about tonight’s matches. Henry picks The IIconics to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles in the women’s Chamber. He then predicts Kofi Kingston to win the Chamber for the WWE Title. Fans chant for Kofi. Henry says if he was in the Chamber, there would be a lot of other men getting introduced to the Hall of Pain. Henry’s music hits and he hugs Charly to end the segment. We go back to the panel. Sam believes the women’s Chamber will steal the show tonight. Phoenix believes Jeff Hardy will win that match. Booker goes with Kofi and Sam believes Daniel Bryan will retain. That’s it for the Kickoff.
– The 2019 WWE Elimination Chamber pay-per-view opens with a video package.
– We’re live from the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by Renee Young, Corey Graves and WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix as we see the Chamber structure around the ring. Phoenix will be the guest commentator for tonight’s opener.
We see the Women’s Tag Team Titles on display at ringside as Carmella is out first, followed by partner Naomi. Carmella and Naomi enter their pod. Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan are out next, representing The Riott Squad. Cole shows us the German and Spanish announce teams at ringside. Out next are The IIconics, Billie Kay and Peyton Royce, as Mike Rome does the introductions. The IIconics enter their pods and the referee locks them in. Out next comes the team of Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka. Jax and Snuka taunt the other competitors as they head to their pod. Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose are out next to start the match. Sasha Banks and Bayley are out last.
The bell rings as the Chamber is locked up. The two teams stare each other down. Deville and Rose strike first. Rose sends Banks into the corner and they go to double team Bayley now. Bayley counters and drops Rose. Banks takes out Deville with a dropkick. Banks and Bayley with the double team on Rose and Deville for the double pin attempt for a 2 count. Banks and Bayley continue working over their opponents at the same time. Banks drops Rose and Deville out on the steel at the same time. Bayley with a 2 count on Deville. Banks and Bayley double team Deville in the corner but she fights them off. Deville with a big slam to Banks out of the corner for a close 2 count as fans pop. Rose works over Bayley in the corner now. Rose with a backbreaker for a quick 2 count.
Rose and Deville take control out on the steel now. Rose drives Banks face-first into the steel wall. Rose brings Banks back into the ring for a 2 count as Deville works on Bayley out on the steel. Rose tosses Banks back to the steel platform. Rose works on Bayley now. Deville looks to deliver a kick to Banks but she moves and Deville kicks the steel, going down hard on her leg. Rose gets her leg stuck up in the steel wall. Bayley drops her for a big move on the steel. The timer counts down and the next team let loose is The Riott Squad.
Banks and Bayley start attacking as the pod is opened but Liv and Logan turn it around. Deville and Rose face off with Liv and Logan in the ring now. Both teams unload on each other. Liv kicks Rose in the face. Deville drops Logan with a knee to the face. Banks and Bayley are still down out on the steel. Liv levels Deville with a big shot. Deville comes right back and drops Liv. Liv with a 2 count on Deville. Deville with more strikes to Liv, including a big kick that sends her down. All 6 Superstars are down now. Bayley runs over with a 2 count on Liv. Bayley with shots to Rose, Deville, Liv and then Logan. Bayley is fired up now. Bayley goes to the top but Rose cuts her off. Deville and Rose climb up for a double superplex to Bayley. Liv and Logan run over to stop it, turning it into a powerbomb superplex attempt. Everyone is down again. The timer starts counting down again. The next team let into the match is The IIconics.
Peyton and Billie start going for pin attempts on the other Superstars that are down. They argue some with the referee in the Chamber. They double team Rose now, then Liv, sending her into the ring post. They send Logan into the post next. The IIconics drop Deville and then Rose. The IIconics double team Deville and slam her on her face. Liv gets double teamed next. The IIconics stand over everyone else and single out Bayley next. Billie holds Bayley while Peyton knees her in the face for a 2 count as Sasha finally gets back up to break the pin. The IIconics double team Banks now, working on the arm that she has been selling. Banks kicks out just in time after more double teaming. The IIconics scream about the count some more.
The IIconics smash Banks and Bayley into the steel face-first, dominating them out on the platform. Peyton and Billie show some frustration after another pin attempt. The timer counts down as The IIconics continue to control the other teams. The next team let into the match is Carmella and Naomi. They come in with offense on The IIconics. Naomi double dropkicks Liv and Logan. Carmella drops Deville in the corner, then Rose. Carmella and Naomi with Bronco Busters on Banks & Bayley, then the IIconics. Carmella and Billie climb the Chamber wall as Naomi fights off Peyton and then Liv. Billie tries to powerbomb Carmella from the wall to the platform but it’s countered as Carmella sends Peyton into the steel face-first. Carmella and Naomi double team Logan now. Naomi with a split-legged moonsault to Logan but Liv breaks the pin up. Everyone gets involved now, trading their holds and finishers in the middle of the ring. Logan drops Rose with a big fisherman’s suplex but Deville hits a Spear on Logan. Carmella drops Deville with a superkick and everyone is down once again. Deville takes down Carmella and covers for a 2 count. Carmella with Code of Silence to Deville but Rose breaks it. Naomi comes from behind and confronts Rose for a pop in the middle of the ring. Naomi unloads on Rose. Rose knees her but Naomi hits a Rear View from the second rope. The IIconics double team Naomi and pin her. Naomi and Carmella have been eliminated.
The IIconics celebrate the first elimination. The other teams get up and surround The IIconics now. The timer counts down and here comes the final team – Tamina Snuka and Nia Jax. Jax and Snuka unload on their opponents and stand tall. The IIconics have locked themselves in a pod. Jax and Snuka overpower to break into the pod to get them out. Jax and Snuka ragdoll The IIconics now, tossing them back into the middle of the ring from the steel platform. Jax and Snuka hit double Samoan Drops to eliminate The IIconics.
Liv and Logan immediately attack Snuka and Jax. They take out Jax and go to work double teaming Snuka. Jax makes the save and stops a pin attempt on Snuka. Deville and Rose double team Jax and Snuka now. Jax kicks out of a pin attempt by Deville. Banks and Bayley double team Deville and Rose in the ring now. Bayley with a big knee to Snuka in the corner. Banks follows up with knees of her own to Snuka. Banks and Bayley drop Liv next, then Logan as she charges. Banks and Bayley with a 2 count on Logan. More back and forth now. Banks with a close 2 count on Deville. Jax and Snuka take down Banks and Bayley again. Logan and Liv retreat to the top of a pod now. Liv leaps from the top of a pod, taking down Jax and Rose. Logan drags Deville over to the ring but Deville kicks out at 2. Jax grabs Liv from the second rope and hits a big Samoan Drop from the ropes. Snuka comes flying off the top with a Superfly Splash to Logan and Liv at the same time. Snuka covers them and gets the pin. Liv and Logan have been eliminated.
Jax and Snuka keep control now. Jax tosses Bayley out to the steel. Jax ends up charging at Bayley but Bayley moves and Jax crashes into a pod, destroying it. Jax is laid out in the debris now. Snuka looks on and can’t believe it. We get a replay of what happened. Deville, Rose, Banks and Bayley team up on Snuka now. Banks with a top rope Meteora. Bayley with a top rope elbow on Snuka. Everyone covers with her and the team of Jax and Snuka have been eliminated.
It’s down to Banks and Bayley vs. Deville and Rose now as fans pop. These are the two teams who started the match. They start brawling. Rose drops Bayley with a knee. Banks fights Deville off in the ring. Rose runs into a knee from Banks. Deville rolls Banks up for a 2 count. Banks with a Backstabber to Deville and Bayley follows up with the Bayley-to-Belly but Rose breaks the pin at 2. Bayley and Banks can’t believe it. Fans chant “this is awesome!” now. Rose climbs to the top of a pod, stopping Bayley from coming up the other side. Banks climbs to the top of a pod and works Rose over now. Bayley joins Banks on top of a pod with Rose now. Banks and Bayley slam Rose back into the glass. They grab Rose again and look to double team Rose off the top of the pod. Deville climbs to the top of the pod now. Bayley kicks Deville back down to the platform. Rose knocks Bayley to the platform. Deville rams Bayley back into the support beam of a pod. Banks comes down to check on Bayley.
Banks sends Deville into the steel. Rose comes down and sends Banks into a pod. Rose brings Banks into the ring and slams her face-first in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count. Rose can’t believe it. Rose with another close 2 count. Deville accidentally hits a Spear on Rose. Banks ends up applying the Banks Statement to Deville. Deville resists and Banks has trouble with the shoulder. Banks re-positions and Deville taps out for the finish.
– After the match, Banks and Bayley sit up and take the titles, clutching them as the music hits. We go to replays. Charly Caruso enters the Chamber to interview the champions about making history. Fans interrupt with a “you deserve it!” chant as they struggle to speak. Banks talks about how they do this for the fans and for everyone in the back. She goes on and says this is the first of more change to come. They raise the titles in the air as fans pop and Bayley’s music starts up.
– Back from a break and we get a promo for tonight’s SmackDown Tag Team Titles match.
We go to the ring and out first comes SmackDown Tag Team Champion The Miz. He takes the mic on the stage and first congratulates Sasha Banks and Bayley on their big win. Miz then dedicates this match to his dad, his daughter Monroe Sky, and wife Maryse. The music hits and out comes Maryse to a pop. Miz hands the mic to Maryse and she announces that they are expecting their second child. Miz dedicates the match to his unborn child. Miz brings out his partner Shane McMahon next and they head to the ring together. Tom Phillips is on commentary now. He’s joined by Graves and Byron Saxton. Out next are The Usos, Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso.
Jimmy starts off with Miz and they go at it. Jimmy drops Miz with a shoulder. They trade counters and Miz goes for the backbreaker – neckbreaker combo but it’s blocked. Miz catches Uso in mid-air and goes for the Figure Four but it’s blocked. Jey tags in and Miz puts on the brakes in the corner, re-grouping with Shane. Miz and Jey go at it now. Miz drops Jey and taunts Jimmy. Miz with the corner clothesline to Jey. Shane tags in and goes to the top for Coast 2 Coast while Miz holds Jey. Jimmy comes from the apron and attacks but Shane fights him off. Shane drops Jey as he charges. Shane with a 2 count on Jey. Shane with a back elbow to Jey as Miz tags in for the double team. Shane and Miz clothesline Jey over the top to the floor. Jimmy gets clotheslines over the top on the opposite side of the ring. The Usos look on from the floor as the champions mock them.
The Usos regroup on the outside. Jimmy hits the ring but Miz unloads on him. Miz with kicks in the corner now. Jey tags in and this leads to Miz getting dropped over the top rope off a distraction. Jey rocks Miz and uses the second rope. The referee backs him off and Jimmy gets in a cheap shot from the floor. Jey tags back in and works over Miz in the corner. Jimmy with another quick tag as Miz gets double teamed some more. Miz tries to get some space between he and Jimmy but the double team shuts him down again. Jimmy keeps Miz grounded in the middle of the ring now.
Miz gets close to tagging out but Jey slams him back to the corner. Jimmy tags in and throws his towel in Shane’s face to taunt him. Jimmy uses Miz’s corner clothesline and works him over, taunting him. Jimmy charges but Miz comes out of the corner and clotheslines Uso to the mat. Miz and Jimmy are both down in the middle of the ring now. Shane tags in and rocks Jey on the apron. Shane goes to work on Jimmy now. Shane with a big backdrop to Jimmy. Shane bounces around the ring and drops Jimmy with a right hand when he gets up. Jey comes in but Shane drops him with a DDT. Shane with more offense and a 2 count.
Shane has The Usos down in opposite corners now. Shane goes to the top and hits a big Coast 2 Coast on Jimmy. Fans pop as Shane quickly recovers and goes back to the top. Shane looks to hit a Coast 2 Coast on Jey now but Jimmy jumps up and superkicks him out of the air. Jimmy goes to the top and hits the big Superfly Splash on Shane but Miz makes the save just in time to break the pin attempt up. Miz rallies from the apron as Shane and Jey are down. Miz comes in off the top. Miz with kicks to Jey now. Jey catches Miz with a Samoan Drop out of nowhere. Jey gets hyped up and goes for the Rikishi Splash in the corner but Miz moves. Miz drops Jey with a DDT for another close 2 count. Miz brings Jey to the floor and starts taking apart the main announce table. Jimmy comes flying out but accidentally takes out Jey. Miz kicks Jimmy after the mishap.
Fans chant for tables as Miz places Jey on top of the announce table. Miz motions to Shane as Shane recovers in the ring. Shane goes to the top turnbuckle as Miz holds Jey on the announce table. Shane leaps out and puts Jey through the announce table with a big elbow drop. Miz and a referee check on Shane and Jey as they are both laid out in the debris. Miz brings Jimmy back in the ring and they tangle with attempts. Jimmy blocks the Skull Crushing Finale and nails a superkick. Jimmy goes to the top for the big splash but Miz gets his knees up. Miz with a 2 count. Miz follows up with the Skull Crushing Finale to Jimmy but he’s slow to make the cover. Miz covers for a 2 count and Jimmy turns that into a pin attempt for the win and the titles.
– After the match, Jimmy takes the titles to ringside and helps his brother up as their music hits. We go to replays. The Usos exit with the titles as Miz and Shane recover, shocked at the loss. They also leave together.
– We get a backstage video from Paige to introduce a clip from her “Fighting with My Family” movie.
– Dasha Fuentes is backstage with Lio Rush and WWE Intercontinental Champion Bobby Lashley. She asks Rush if he is the weakest link. Dasha keeps trying to stir the pot but Lashley isn’t fazed.
We go to the ring and Michael Cole is back on commentary with Corey Graves and Renee Young. Lio Rush and WWE Intercontinental Champion Bobby Lashley are out first. Finn Balor is out next to a pop.
The bell rings and Balor looks to start off with Rush but Rush quickly tags out. Lashley comes in and beats Balor down. Lashley works Balor around and focuses on the ribs as fans chant for Balor. Balor comes back off the ropes and drops Lashley. Lashley turns it back around and takes Balor to the corner, putting him against the turnbuckles. Balor with a kick to the head from the apron. Balor goes to the top but comes back down as Rush charges on the apron, missing. Lashley overpowers and brings Balor back in, dodging a pin attempt and stomping on him. Rush gets involved again. Balor chases him around the ring, allowing Lashley to scoop Balor and ram him back into the barrier. Lashley rams Balor back into the apron as the referee counts.
Lashley brings Balor back into the ring and drops an elbow for a 2 count. Rush wants some action now so Lashley tags him in. Rush works over Balor and tags back in Lashley, who levels Balor for a pin attempt. Lashley keeps Balor grounded now. Lashley drops Balor with a DDT for another 2 count. Rush comes back in and keeps Balor tied up with an abdominal stretch. Balor breaks it and sends Rush flying into the corner. Balor is slow to recover. Balor runs into boots in the corner from Rush. Rush tags Lashley in and Lashley rams Balor back into the corner with shoulder thrusts.
Lashley dominates Balor with more power moves. Lashley looks to go for a Spear but Rush tags himself in. Lashley doesn’t look happy. Balor takes advantage and drops Rush. Rush looks to make a tag but Balor isn’t letting him by. Balor drops Rush and then knocks Lashley off the apron. Balor with a stomp to Rush and then a Slingblade. Balor sends Lashley and Rush out to the floor. Balor runs the ropes and leaps out, taking them both down. Balor brings Rush back in and goes on to hit the Coup de Grace for the pin to win the title.
– After the match, Balor takes the title and begins to celebrate as the music hits. We go to replays. Lashley is left in the ring with Rush now and he’s not happy. Lashley puts hands on Rush and then drives him into the mat to end the segment.
– Cole leads us to a preview for the new WWE Network documentary on WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry.
– We get video recaps on Vince McMahon “suspending” Becky Lynch and pulling her from the WrestleMania 35 match with Ronda Rousey, replacing her with Charlotte Flair. We also see footage from last night’s live event where Lynch “re-injured” her injury by trying to attack Flair and SmackDown Women’s Champion Asuka.
– We go to the ring and out comes Charlotte Flair. Charly Caruso is in the ring waiting with a mic. Charly asks Flair when she found out about the WrestleMania 35 change. Flair says life is good when you’re Charlotte Flair. Because she’s going to WrestleMania and last night she got to do what she loves – humiliate and desecrate The Man. Flair goes on about how Becky panders to the crowd because she needs the fans and their approval. Flair heels it up and the boos start up. Flair says she knows she’s the very best, on RAW and SmackDown, all of WWE. Fans start chanting for Becky now. Flair says she’s going to sit ringside for tonight’s match to see who will main event WrestleMania against The Queen. Flair throws out a “Wooo!” and waits for the match.
Ruby Riott makes her way out first as the music hits. Ruby enters the ring as Flair exits and takes her seat from ringside. Riott waits around until the music finally hits and out comes RAW Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey. Rousey is dressed as Sonya Blade, the Mortal Kombat 11 video game character she is voicing. We get formal ring introductions from Mike Rome.
The bell rings and Riott takes Ronda down first with strikes. They tangle and Rousey launches Riott to the mat. Ruby goes to the floor for a breather as Rousey talks trash from the ring. Flair looks on from her chair in front of the announce tables. Riott takes her time coming back into the ring as the referee counts. Riott comes in and fights out of a corner. Rousey counters and hits Piper’s Pit early on. Rousey grabs Riott’s arm and points up at the WrestleMania 35 sign. Rousey drops Riott into the armbar and makes her tap out for the easy win.
– After the bell, Rousey stands tall and looks down at Flair as her music hits. Flair struts around a ringside and enters the ring. Flair laughs and stares down at Rousey in the middle of the ring. Becky Lynch suddenly comes from the crowd on crutches as fans start chanting her name. Becky tosses her crutches into the ring and enters, barely able to get to her feet as fans chant her name. Flair mocks her. Fans chant “she’s The Man!” now. Becky tosses a crutch at Flair and unloads on her with the other one. Lynch beats Flair down with the crutch as Rousey watches. Lynch with another crutch shot while sending a few words to Rousey. Rousey grabs a crutch as Lynch offers her a free shot to Flair. Flair backs into the corner and pleads as Rousey backs her up. Lynch comes from behind and drops Rousey with a crutch shot. Lynch unloads on Flair and Rousey with crutch shots. Security hits the ring with referees. Lynch takes a crutch from Rousey and beats on her some more. Lynch limps around and smiles as fans chant her name. Lynch exits the ring as security helps her back through the crowd. Ronda looks on from ringside. Flair sits up in the ring and recovers.
Baron Corbin makes his way to the ring while Ronda Rousey is still out. Braun Strowman is out next.
The bell rings and the “get these hands!” chants start up. Corbin tosses his vest at Braun and attacks but Braun drops him. Corbin goes out and grabs a kendo stick now, nailing Strowman with it. Corbin brings the stick into the ring and keeps the attack going. Corbin works Strowman around the ring and places the stick into the top turnbuckle. Corbin tries to send Strowman into the kendo stick spike in the corner but it’s reversed. Corbin also avoids it and runs back in but Strowman goes to work on him. Strowman toys with Corbin in the corner now. Strowman snatches the stick and breaks it in half, yelling out that he doesn’t need the weapon to kick Corbin’s ass. Strowman drops Corbin and sends him out of the ring for a breather.
Strowman runs around the ring and sends Corbin into the barrier with a big shoulder. Strowman plays to the crowd for a pop. Strowman runs around the ring again but Corbin throws an announce table chair at him. Strowman catches it. Strowman charges again but Corbin side-steps and sends Strowman into the steel steps at ringside. Corbin takes half of the steel steps and rams them into Strowman. Corbin with another shot with half of the steps. Corbin mocks Strowman and drops him with another steps shot to the face. Corbin mocks Strowman at ringside again.
Corbin brings it back into the ring and decks Strowman. Corbin drops Strowman with another big right hand. Corbin wastes some time and plays to the crowd for boos. Corbin charges again but Strowman swats him away with ease. Strowman overpowers and works Corbin over now. Fans chant for tables now. A table is propped up in the corner but Corbin avoids it and looks to turn it back around on Strowman. Strowman manages to catch Corbin mid-move and drive him through the table in the corner with a big powerslam. The music suddenly interrupts as Drew McIntyre makes his way out.
Drew matches to the ring with a steel chair. Strowman readies in the ring and waits for a fight. Bobby Lashley comes in from behind and drops Strowman with a steel chair. Drew enters the ring and joins in. Lashley and McIntyre unload on Strowman with steel chair shots as Corbin recovers. Strowman gets up and drops Lashley, then turns to Drew. Lashley manages to come back and level Strowman with a big Spear. Drew and Lashley bring parts of the steel steps into the ring now. Corbin is up on his feet directing traffic now. Drew grabs Braun’s face and talk’s trash now. Braun fights back and also grabs Lashley but Corbin makes the save from behind with a steel chair.
Corbin and Drew slide tables into the ring to Lashley now. Corbin and Lashley stand these tables up. Strowman slowly gets to his feet but Drew puts him right back down with a Claymore Kick. The heels stack one table on top of the other now, right in the middle of the ring. Lashley is standing on top of the steel steps, which are in front of the stacked tables. They bring Strowman over to the steps in the middle of the ring and put him through the stacked tables with a three-way powerbomb. Corbin covers for the pin to win.
– After the bell, Corbin stands tall with Lashley and McIntyre on top of the platform they made with the two parts of the steel steps. They raise their arms as Corbin’s music hits. We go to replays with Strowman laid out in front of the heels.
– Cole leads us to a video promo for the 2019 Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi next month. WWE is a partner for the Games. We see some of the Special Olympians from Texas in the crowd tonight. The stage and the ramp light up with the Special Olympics logo.
– We see how Shane McMahon and The Miz lost the SmackDown Tag Team Titles to The Usos earlier tonight. Shane is backstage getting checked on in the trainer’s room now. Miz is furious about the loss. Shane tells him to relax, it will be alright. Shane says he will see Miz on Tuesday at SmackDown. Shane tells Miz to go home and relax. Miz isn’t happy.
– We go to the stage and out comes Lacey Evans. She walks down the ramp some as her music plays. She walks right back up the ramp and to the back. That was it.
Back from another promo and it’s time for tonight’s main event. Out first comes Kofi Kingston as Greg Hamilton does the introductions. Jeff Hardy is out next, followed by Randy Orton. AJ Styles is out next, followed by Samoa Joe. The others enter the pods as Joe waits. WWE Champion Daniel Bryan is out last with Rowan at his side. Bryan calls for the music to be cut. He isn’t happy about being forced to start the match, blaming it on fans and the WWE officials who listen to them. Referees come up the ramp to back Rowan to the backstage area. Bryan yells “no!” at Rowan being sent to the back. Fans sing “goodbye!” to Rowan. Bryan goes on ranting before finally entering the Chamber with the WWE Title. He hands over the title to the referee and it’s finally time to go.
The bell rings and Joe is ready to fight but Bryan stalls some, waiting on the timer to count down so the third Superstar can come into the match. Bryan tests Joe out with a few kicks. Joe catches a kick and unloads with stiff kicks of his own. Joe with a kneebar early on, taking Bryan down to the mat. Joe breaks it but Bryan chops him in the corner. Joe takes the chop and chases Bryan to the steel platform on the outside. Joe chops Bryan over and over against the steel wall now. Joe brings it back in the ring and Bryan counters a move but Joe powerbombs him for a 2 count. That’s turned into a submission. Joe gets the STF applied in the middle of the ring now. Joe goes into another submission, focusing on the arm and shoulder. Joe with a 2 count. Bryan comes right back and takes Joe’s knee out. Bryan sends Joe out to the steel platform. Bryan rams Joe face-first into one of the pods. Bryan stands tall and poses to mostly boos from the crowd.
Bryan brings it back into the ring for a 2 count. Joe takes another chop and drops Bryan with a chop of his own. Joe with a big headbutt and more strikes. Joe misses in the corner and Bryan sends him face-first into the turnbuckles. The timer starts counting down now. The next Superstar let loose into the match is Kofi Kingston. Kofi kicks Bryan and then Joe. Kofi springboards in and goes to work. Joe blocks a DDT but Kofi kicks him in the head from the corner. Kofi with a big top rope splash to the back of Joe for a 2 count. Bryan drops Kofi gut-first over the top rope. Bryan goes to the top and drives a knee to Kofi’s neck while he’s laid out over the top rope. Bryan with a 2 count on Kofi. Joe with shots to both opponents now. Bryan goes to the top of a pod, distracting Joe. Kofi attacks Joe from behind and takes him to the corner. Bryan takes a seat and watches from the top of a pod now. Kofi leaps to the top of the pod and faces off with Bryan, who pleads with him. Kofi rocks Bryan and works him over on top of the pod. Bryan walks the side of the steel wall and tries to escape from Kofi. They trade kicks up high on the steel wall. Joe climbs up and pulls Bryan down. Kofi kicks Joe’s hands and puts him down. Kofi drops down from the top, landing on Bryan and Joe. Kofi also lands hard but fans chant his name.
Kofi with a 2 count to Bryan, then Joe. Bryan and Kofi go at it now. Kofi with a back elbow and a 2 count on Bryan. Joe comes back and hits the big senton on Bryan. Joe with a snap suplex to Kofi for a 2 count. Joe sends Bryan out to the steel platform and works him over with chops against the wall. The timer counts down and the next entrant is AJ Styles. Styles kicks Bryan in the face and drops Joe. AJ goes to work on Kofi and then Joe again. AJ clotheslines Joe to the mat. Bryan takes AJ to the corner but AJ fights back, unloading on Bryan. Bryan runs into an elbow. AJ with the moonsault from the top, grabbing Bryan and Kofi for a pair of inverted DDTs for a 2 count on Bryan, then a 2 count on Kofi. Fans chant for Styles as he stands tall. AJ with a big forearm to Joe. Bryan climbs the steel but AJ springboards up and knocks him off with a forearm. More back and forth between the three now. Joe applies the Coquina Clutch to Kofi. It ends up broken but AJ leaps in with a Phenomenal Forearm to Joe. AJ covers for the pin and Joe has been eliminated. The timer counts down and the next entrant is Jeff Hardy.
Hardy comes in and unloads for several minutes. AJ is placed over the top turnbuckle face down. Hardy goes to the top of a pod and hits a big Swanton to AJ. They both land hard. Bryan comes over and covers Hardy for the pin. Hardy has been eliminated.
Bryan with kicks in the corner to AJ now. More chaos from the other participants for a few minutes. Randy Orton is the last man in. He goes to work on AJ while AJ is upside down in the corner. Kofi charges but Orton drops him. Orton goes back to work on AJ in the corner now. Bryan ends up blocking the RKO and back-sliding Orton for a 2 count. Orton drops Bryan next. Kofi charges at Orton with a big dropkick as fans chant Kofi’s name. More back and forth all over the Chamber now. This leads to Orton hitting the RKO on AJ for the pin. AJ has been eliminated.
Kofi and Orton go at it now. Orton avoids Trouble In Paradise. Orton crotches Kofi on the top now. Orton takes out Bryan as he tries to come from behind. This leads to Kofi dropping Orton with a Trouble In Paradise after blocking the RKO, and covering him for the pin. Orton has been eliminated.
Fans chant for Kofi as he stands tall while Bryan recovers. Bryan and Kofi unload on each other now. Bryan with big kicks while Kofi is on his knees, bringing “no!” chants from the fans. Kofi ducks the roundhouse kick and drops Bryan with a SOS for another close pin attempt. Kofi leaps in the corner but hits the turnbuckles face-first as Bryan moves.
Fans chant for Kofi but Bryan taunts him and talks some trash. Bryan with more big kicks in the corner now as fans chant “no!” again. Bryan with two corner dropkicks, and a third, and a fourth. Bryan runs in for another dropkick but Kofi cuts him off and drops him for a very close 2 count. Kofi can’t believe it. Fans chant Kofi’s name again. Bryan rolls to the steel platform for a breather as Kofi approaches. Fans boo. Kofi comes to the steel instead and they go at it. Kofi slams Bryan’s face into the steel wall over and over. Kofi gets hyped up as fans pop for him again. Bryan counters a move and launches Kofi into the side of one of the pods, cutting off the energy from Kofi’s supporters in the crowd. Bryan waits for Kofi to get up and then hits the big running knee. Kofi still kicks out at 2 and Bryan can’t believe it.
Fans chant for Kofi again but Bryan just shakes his head. Bryan stands over Kofi and stomps away on his head while holding his arms. Bryan covers for a 2 count. Bryan charges but Kofi levels him out of nowhere for another close 2 count. Bryan drops Kofi into the LeBell Lock. Bryan transitions as Kofi tries to break free. Fans chant for Kofi again as he reaches for the bottom rope. Kofi finally gets the rope and the hold is broken. Bryan is exhausted, laid out on top of Kofi. Fans chant “this is awesome!” now. Bryan goes to the top rope but Kofi crotches him. Fans chant for Kofi as he climbs up to the top with Bryan. Bryan escapes to the top of the pod. Kofi joins him on top of the pod and works him over. Kofi smashes Bryan back into the glass of the pod. Kofi stands up with Bryan on top of the pod now. Kofi looks to hit a superplex from the top of the pod to the ring but Bryan fights back. Bryan smashes Kofi’s head into the pod glass now, both Superstars still up high on top of the pod. Bryan tries for a superplex now but Kofi resists. Kofi beats Bryan down on top of the pod. Kofi kicks Bryan to the top turnbuckle and then down to the mat with a boot to the face.
Kofi stands on top of the pod as fans cheer him on. Kofi leaps out with a big crossbody but nobody is there as Bryan rolls out of the way. Kofi gets up but Bryan charges in with the running knee to the face. Bryan covers for the pin to retain.

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